Solving the New Sign Contrast Formula: What Sign Manufacturers Need to Know About the A117.1 Accessibility Standard

Solving the New Sign Contrast Formula: What Sign Manufacturers Need to Know About the A117.1 Accessibility Standard

The International Code Council is about to release the new 2025 A117.1 Standard for Accessibility. This new standard contains the most significant changes in 35 years in how visual signs must have contrasting colors. Lucy Pereira (APCO Signs) and Jessica Schrader (Entro Design) will explain all of the key changes in the new A117.1 standard and what you need to do as a sign manufacturer to comply with the new rules. Lucy and Jessica will discuss: The new Sign Contrast formula; Documentation requirements under the new rules; Other new changes to text orientation, clear floor space, and other key requirements; Compliance & Enforcement Timelines; and the Importance of Educating Customers.

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